• Strong roots, tolerant to lodging.
  • Days to hawest 75-85.
  • Shiny yellow colour.
  • Full seed filling up-to tip.
  • No of seedsfrow 40-45, No of rows 14-16
  • Fruit weight 350-450gm & TSS 14-15%.
  • Excellent tenderness and sweet.

VIGOUR 10-12

  • Semi-spreading plant.
  • Days to harvest 60-70.
  • Green long pod.
  • 8-10 seeds per pod.
  • High yield variety.
  • Excellent tenderness and sweet


  • Erect tall non branching plant.
  • Days to harvest 60-70.
  • Green long pod & smoothness.
  • 7-8 seeds per pod.
  • High yield variety.
  • Excellent tender non stringy pod